Q.How many numbers can I select?

A. There are no limts on the amount of numbers selected.

Players may not chose a number another player has selected.

Q. How can I see what numbers have been reserved ?

A. Click Here

Q. How much does it cost?

A. Just $ 0.50 per number


Q. How can I pay for my numbers?

A. Paypal

Q. When do I pay ?

A. After you've selected your numbers you'll recieve an email confirmation with information . Before placing your intial order we must verify the number is available. It will take up to 5-10 minutes to process.


Q. How do I know what the prize is for the number?

A. After submitting your selections you will receive  information on prizes for each number.

 Please keep the email information for future reference.



 Do you like free products? You've come to the right place! We have over 300 free products ready to ship to your front door. It's easy to play . Simply choose your number for just $0.50 per number and begin . It's that simple! 

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